Zion Armstrong

Keynote: From West Auckland to the world stage!
9.00am | Wednesday 27 November

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Zion’s incredible journey began with a sprint away from the police in West Auckland, igniting an athletics career that led him to the Commonwealth Games. But that was just the beginning of his remarkable ascent.

In his early 20s, Zion became the head of footwear at Adidas NZ, demonstrating his extraordinary talent in the world of sports retail.

Climbing the corporate ladder, he travelled to HQ in Germany, before honing his leadership skills in Asia before he reached the pinnacle as the president of Adidas North America. Under his leadership, the team achieved a record $US6 billion in annual profit, marking a significant milestone in the company's history.

In 2022, Zion made a life-altering decision to leave his high-profile lifestyle and return to New Zealand for his kids.

Zion offers an extraordinary narrative of success, transformation, and the courage to embrace what truly matters. His story is an inspiration, showcasing what's possible with determination and a clear sense of purpose.